ICEMA is an apex body for Construction Equipment (CE) manufacturers in India and represents over 120 OEMs, component manufacturers, financiers and other CE industry stakeholders. The members of the Association comprise 95% of the OEMs and component manufacturers in the Indian CE Industry, along with other leading companies that manufacture, trade and finance a variety of Construction, Earthmoving, Concrete, Mining, Material Handling and Material Processing equipment used for developing a robust, world-class infrastructure in the country.
ICEMA boasts a stellar legacy of nearly 75 years. Constituted in 1949 as Tractor & Allied Equipment Manufacturers and Importers Association Ltd., with 10 Indian member companies, and rechristened as Indian Earthmoving & Construction Industry Association Ltd. (IECIAL) in 1986, the Association acquired its present nomenclature, viz., Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (ICEMA), in 2012, in an endeavour to make it truly representative of the Indian CE industry and to expand its scope of services.
A non-government and not-for-profit organization, ICEMA serves as a reference point for India’s CE industry. The Association supports and guides the CE industry and engages with the Government in shaping new policies, works towards development of new standards for construction equipment and creates platforms for knowledge sharing. The Association also serves as a bridge between the Indian and global construction equipment industries by interfacing with international counterparts.
The key aspects of the work being done by ICEMA include promotion of safety, setting of emission norms, technology integration and adoption, as well as continuous stakeholder engagement. To help improve the industry’s efficiency, ICEMA is also involved in facilitating development of a skilled workforce for the CE industry.
The Association’s activities are guided by a Governing Council and eight ICEMA panels comprising of industry leaders to achieve the objectives of the Indian CE industry’s Vision Plan 2030 with the help and support of its members.
Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (ICEMA)
3rd Floor, Indo-Global Social Service Society Building
28, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003, INDIA
T: +91-11-45733695 | E: directorgeneral@i-cema.in | W: www.i-cema.in